Thursday, July 10, 2008


So this last weekend I was at my inlaws' house and we
happened to be finishing breakfast one morning.
Almost everyone had left the table except my
mother-in-law, my brother-in-law and I. We
were drinking coffee, finishing our food and enjoying
idle chitchat when the topic came up about waking
up hungry for breakfast each morning. I, very
calmly and nonchalantly said, "I almost NEVER eat

breakfast. I usually just drink coffee and then eat

Then my brother-in-law says to me across the table,
"See, THAT is your problem. It's not healthy to not eat
breakfast." And he goes on to explain to me (because

I had NEVER heard it before) that eating breakfast
jump starts your metabolism yada, yada, yada,

But he sort of lost me at, "SEE, THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM..."

I was thinking to myself WHAT PROBLEM?

Obviously he was talking about the extra thirty pounds
that I pack around but WHAT THE HELL? I was
wondering exactly whose problem he thought he was
fixing? And who actually asked him to SOLVE my

problem(s)? Did he think that if I started eating
breakfast every day that I would magically appear
looking "right"?

I was so ticked off. For one thing he tends to come
across as a pompous know-it-all and he's said things
many times that have been so rude or crude and he

doesn't know it. And through the years its been
obvious that he "looks down" on people who are
overweight by some of the condescending
comments he's made. But I was seriously taken
back by his comment to me over the breakfast table.
I said to him, "Yeah, I know all about that and I still
don't eat breakfast unless it's a special occasion."
I wish I'd had the balls to ask him what "problem"
he was actually talking about and playing dumb.
It would have been interesting to see his reaction.
But I am not quick to think about witty comebacks.

What I AM GOOD at, though, is feeling like shit all the
time about the way I look and how it affects
my daily activities. I spent the rest of the weekend
feeling depressed and struggled with my on-going
battle about whether or not to crawl into that dark,
desolate space in my head and hide there for a while.

I wonder if they serve breakfast there?

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