Friday, June 13, 2008

G Spot, blog spot, it's all relative!

Ha! I caught you looking! Someone mentions G-spot and there's all sorts of attention.

Now that I have re-entered the blogging world, my mind is in constant motion.
To write or not write, that is the question.

I go through moods....
good mood
bad mood
creative mood
wanna go awol from my life mood
artistic mood
starve myself mood
eat everything mood
I love my mom mood
I can't stand my mom mood
I love to cook mood
I hate to cook mood
promise to be normal mood
promise to floss once a day mood
you get the picture

Right now it's the


I go through this every few months. So even though I may not be sitting at the computer or have my journal in my hand, I am constantly writing. Even in my sleep. I have to take an extra "sleepytime" pill just to shut my brain off so I can rest. And now everything is subject to my "writer's approval":

my coffee shop lady (why I love her and hate her at the same time)
my obvious addiction to caffeine
my compulsions

my kids
my husband
my mother
my job
my irregular bowel movements
my dry cracked heels.....

no matter what, it's all research and better yet, its blog-worthy each in its own way! I just need to decide what sort of material I am going to be remembered for. I would hate to go down in history known as that person who has the most dry, disgusting, distracting, fungus-looking feet.'s NOT fungus thank you very much.

Oh yeah and then there's my IBMs.
I won't even go there.

I don't really have a "real" job except
I am one of those opinionated people that
think that raising normal, healthy children is a
"real" job.

My mother has at least 24 personalities.
Just kidding she only has

Maybe some posts don't really have to have a main focus....maybe it's just all about getting something down on paper and getting it OUT of my head. Oh wait, what about my coffee shop lady and all the reasons I love her and hate her at the same time? I think I will save that one for it's own post:

"The ins and outs of the latte stand"
Yeah, that sounds good. But I think I need to sleep on it first.

Oh, hey. I forgot about the G-spot thing. Some artists and writers compare their work to good sex. Writing a perfect, flowing piece is as good as finding that G-spot that we all know and love. Or if you are an artist, every perfectly placed brush stroke is like making love to your canvas (so I've heard).

But, I am NOT an author and I am certainly not an artist.... so no matter what,in my book
the REAL G-spot wins!

I will DEFINITELY have to sleep on that one for sure!
HEY it's research!

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