Monday, June 30, 2008


So it's crazy how fast the days go by. I forgot to look
at the date of my last blog entry, I am sure it's been
at least a couple weeks now.

Life just keeps going on. First a day goes by and
then another day. It doesn't seem like a big deal
but when I sat down to blog just now, all these
different things came to my mind about what goes
on in a matter of two weeks.

Recently, my 17 year old daughter has finally
discovered the "ALL POWERFUL SECRET"...
(a secret even better than Oprah's...shhhhhh....)
that she knows EVERYTHING about ANYTHING
the rest of us can screw ourselves! It took awhile.
For a couple years we thought we might have
made it through unharmed but no such luck. And
it's good that I HAVE ALSO discovered that she has
discovered this secret because at least now we are all
on the same page! Her momentary lack of judgements
actually make sense now! And my moments of seeing
white spots while I am yelling threats are explainable....
maybe I really do NOT need to see a therapist after all!

In the mean time, our son (our youngest)
has hit puberty. His voice and the things
that happen to it would make Criss Angel's
freaky mind proud! It's genuinely
It's hilarious! And it's
almost sick how
much we enjoy teasing him about it!
We call him Sarah! Of course he knows
that we do it all in fun and he is sweet
enough to laugh along with us! All the
clothes that used to be too tight for him
are falling off him which really is to his
benefit, as he fits right in to
the COOL crowd with his pants hanging
down around his ankles!

My husband's aunt died of a long hard
battle with cancer. It's wierd that even
though you THINK you are prepared
for a family member's death it still catches
you off guard. We will miss her and of
course my heart is very sad for my husband.
The funeral is next week.

We got a new puppy. Oh wait....


Now I've found the real reason that
I haven't blogged for awhile. Black lab
brothers, Jake and Charlie. Very cute.
Very cuddly. Very AWAKE in the middle
of the night. And since it was MY idea I
have no room for complaint. I have spent
HOURS on-line researching all the GOOD
things to do for our new puppies including
what food to feed them. I came to the
conclusion that my husband may have to
get a weekend job so we can afford the
"perfect" food for them which includes
(but is certainly not limited to)
vitamins, minerals, fruits, vegetables, no
by-products, limited grains, low fats,
high protein, etc. I am to throw in freshly
ground food too and an occasional fried egg......
think I am obsessed?

It's the lack of sleep.

When I am sitting in my lawn chair
at one in the morning while they are
peeing all over the yard, freshly ground
fruits and vegetables are NOT what
I am thinking about, let me tell ya. And
when I am sitting in my lawn chair at THREE
in the morning while they are pooping all over
the yard, I am wondering what I can put
in their wee bellies that would end it ALL by morning!

Just kidding!

To be honest with you what I am REALLY
thinking is that the next time my daughter throws one
of her gargantuan hormonal tizzy fits.....there will be
LOTS and LOTS of poop to clean up!

Yes....lots can go on in a couple weeks.....
but at least that means that we are alive and well.
And tomorrow will be just another day!

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